Food for Thought as We Look Toward the Beginning of Another Year
Filed under: Tips for Realtors
As we are approaching the New Year, I wanted to share a relevant thought. This a great opportunity to think about our plans for the year and how we intend to act. The idea is that there are 7 key parts to leadership, and we can focus on these characteristics to develop ourselves in 2023 and beyond:
- Character: Who are you? What are your actions, thoughts, and habits? These are the things that really make a massive difference.
- Relationships: Who do you know? How deep are your relationships?
- Knowledge: What do you know? What experience do you have?
- Intuition: How is your intuition? This is something that gets honed over time. It’s easy to question the silent voice, that sometimes you just need to trust.
- Experience: Where you’ve been and what you know.
- Past Successes: These things make a huge difference, giving you something to build on as you are moving forward.
- Ability: If you have the ability, then just go out and do the things to create opportunities.
Click here to see more information about each of these key areas of leadership.
I think it’s important to consider character traits and leadership as we are going into the New Year. Whether you are leading a team at work or leading your family at home, these factors can have an undeniable impact. The New Year is a great time to reboot and bring fresh thoughts to jump start motivation.
Happy Holidays from Franklin Loan Center
Sending holiday wishes to you and your loved ones. Hopefully you will have time to spend with your families and have a little breather to enjoy this beautiful time of year. It works out great this year since the holiday falls on the weekend.
Our team will be around if anything comes up during this holiday season. Feel free to reach out if you have questions or need assistance with anything.