Presidential Candidates Policies on Housing and Finance Factors in Voting
Filed under: Market Comentary
With the presidential election less than five months away, one of the topics voters feel is highly important is the candidate’s policies on housing and finance.
According to the results of a survey conducted for LoanDepot, 21% of Americans who responded to the survey believe that these policies will influence their choice of who they vote for, and 36% of the respondents said that the presidential candidates are not clearly articulating their policies well in the housing and finance area.
A recent article by Jacob Passy included other interesting facts. Passy explained that 35% of those surveyed said they want to hear more from the candidates concerning housing and finance. In addition, those figures increased for Democrats (56%) and Republicans (39%).
Chairman and Chief Executive of loanDepot, Anthony Hsieh said, “People across the nation told us they want to hear more from the presidential candidates about their housing and financial policies on issues like income, access to credit, interest rates, and affordable housing. The candidate who does a good job in communicating their policies moving forward has an opportunity to influence millions of potential voters.”
Passy also mentioned that the survey respondents expect the next president’s first 100 days in office to focus on particular items. 37% of those surveyed said increasing the affordability of home ownership for lower and middle-class families ranked as the top economic or housing priority, followed by 34% who are concerned about keeping interest rates low, and 11% feeling that increasing the availability of credit to small businesses as important.
Almost half of the Democrat and Republican voters also responded that they want interest rates to remain low during the first 100 days of the new president’s term in office.
One other statistic from the survey showed that 66% said they expect their financial situation to remain the same, while 24% believe they will be worse off.
We will see in the coming months if the candidates address these issues.
If you have any questions with anything dealing with the mortgage industry, please feel free to give me a call so we can discuss whatever is on your mind.