Marketing Videos for Your Real Estate Business
Filed under: Marketing Your Real Estate Business
If you’ve been following my blog for more than a week, you surely have noticed that I utilize marketing videos as a way of distributing content to my clients, prospects, and referral partners.
This may or may not be something that you have considered doing within your own business, but in all honesty, successful marketing today requires you to find a way of differentiating yourself from your competition. Since most real estate professionals have not fully embraced video marketing yet, you can make huge strides in the direction of “differentiation” by incorporating this marketing strategy into what you are already doing.
Plus, by using video to market your business, you can add a personal touch to your marketing pieces and provide first-hand, unique information to your target audience.
Oh, and by the way… Google loves video! Did you know that they own YouTube?
Check out the video below for more information on… video!